Meeting Time: March 31, 2021 at 6:30pm PDT

Agenda Item

3. PRJ2020-00007: ZON-2020-0069 AND ZON-2021-0070. APPLICANTS: GEORGE KYRIAKOS AND TROY TRYFONOPOULOS; PROPERTY OWNERS: GEORGE KYRIAKOS, FRANK KYRIAKOS AND DEMETRA KYRIAKOS Request for a Major Site Plan for site and building modifications to accommodate a drive-thru vehicle lane and a request for a Conditional Use Permit for an existing restaurant (The Grill) at 2401 East Orangethorpe Avenue. (Northeast corner of Orangethorpe Avenue and State College Boulevard) (Categorically exempt under Section 15301 of State CEQA Guidelines) (Manufacturing General (M-G) Zone) (Staff Planner: Andrew Kusch) eComments are not read at the Committee meeting. eComments are forwarded to Committee Members and are part of the public record. Please see the agenda for instructions to address the Committee.