4. PRJ2020-00008 – ZON-2020-0074, SUB-2020-0003, LRP-2020-0016, LRP-2020-0017, LRP-2020-0018. APPLICANT: CS ACQUISITION VEHICLE, LLC (CORE SPACES); PROPERTY OWNER: EDMUNDO F DIAZ AND LILIA M DIAZ TRUST AND 2751 CHAPMAN LLC. Request for the redevelopment of a 3.55-acre site on property located at 2601-2751 East Chapman Avenue (Northeast corner of Chapman and Commonwealth Avenues). The project involves the demolition of the existing office buildings and the construction of a student-oriented residential housing project with neighborhood-supporting commercial space of the ground floor. (Mitigated Negative Declaration) (Office Professional (O-P) Zone) (Staff Planner: Heather Allen)